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Viewing messages 51 to 60.
Lewis Wellsaid | balois~AT~email~DOT~ro
2 January 2007 - Varadinum

Vassilis | vpetsinis~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Nice website you have here! I spent a few days in Arad in spring 2002 and absolutely loved your town! Best greetings from Slovakia!
30 December 2006 - Bratislava

Eugenia Duma | ricavio~AT~yahoo~DOT~fr
Buna ziua D-le John Bahnweg, abia acum, in 8 Decembrie 2006, v-am citit mesajul gasit intamplator pe Net; Ma bucur ca sunteti interesat sa aflati cate ceva despre comuna Voiteg(fost raion Ciacova), pentru ca in aceasta comuna m-am nascut in 1957; Imi pare rau ca nu cunosc limba engleza; Sarbatori fericite! Eugenia Duma (fosta Vermesan)
8 December 2006

Neagoe Costin | autodeterminare~AT~autodeterminare~DOT~com
Am initiat un website despre autonomie, autodeterminare si autoguvernare la vvvvvvautodeterminarecom si as vrea sa va explic despre ce este vorba; Deocamdata continutul este doar in limba romana; Insa e primul in limba romana de acest gen; Va rog ajutati-ma sa-l fac in mod profesionist;
1 December 2006 - Am initiat un website despre autonomie, autodeterminare si a

David Quirsfeld | dquirsfeld~AT~sbcglobal~DOT~net
Morgens, das nach Dan-Reinhardt Quirsfeld von Arad sucht; Vor Letztes gehört von Dan ungefähr 4 Jahren; Alle mögliche Informationen würden geschätzt;
31 October 2006 - Chicago, Illinois USA

Ioan Osvar | osvar2003~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
Doresc sa contactez fosti colegi de la scoala generala nr; 13 (Gradiste)din clasa Doamnei invatatoare Tudosie Maria;M-ar bucura orice informatie sau contact; Va multumesc
25 October 2006 - Arad

hans | hans54~AT~sbcglobal~DOT~net
I have left 29 years agou, ther is no home, like, home!
20 October 2006 - Chicago

Alina Mizul | alina_9~AT~sympatico~DOT~ca
If your still looking for Florin Mizul, he is my father so let me a message and I'll come back to you!
21 September 2006 - Canada

Ionut Gaita | omul_negrul~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
:thumbup: toate orasele si satele sunt frumoase dar cred eu caci ca si aradul nu e nici unu la noi in arad gasesti tot ce vrei smecherii de cartier borfasi oameni cu bani oameni care muncesc sasi castige painea si multe alte chesti universitati de renume parcuri de distracti,ca si aradul foarte putine sunt :thumbup: :biggrin: un salut pr toate neamurile mele din arad si de afara si pt tovarasi mey;
4 September 2006 - new york(compton) usa

Klaus | kilse_99~AT~yahoo~DOT~de
Hello Arad, I will stay in your beautiful town in october for business and I think I will like it; You have a beautiful page here and now I know many parts of Arad; Thank´s a lot for that information; I hope that you find a way to translate your page into english; That will make it easier for us foreign people; Best regards Klaus
29 August 2006 - Klaus

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