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[Old Guestbook 1998]

Displaying entries 1 - 50 of 105


Name: Frances Mason
City: Whitehorse
Country: Canada
Comments: I am searching for relatives in Ineu. Can anyone give me an e-mail address for a newspaper in or around Ineu?
Date: 00:23:04, December 31



Name: Mauro
Country: ITALIA
Comments: Complimenti per il vostro sito e per l'accuratezza con cui č stato costruito. UN cordiale saluto Mauro Venezia
Date: 17:10:54, December 28



Name: Aleksandar
City: Novi Sad
Country: Yugoslavia
Comments: Very,very complycate to use.
Date: 13:54:53, December 28



Name: Tiffany
City: Daingerfield
Country: USA
Comments: This was very interesting! I learned alot that i didn't know about Arad,Romania. Thanxs for your time!
Date: 01:56:37, December 28



Name: Jelina Geng
City: München
Country: Germany
Comments: Multumesc voua celor care va da-ti straduinta, de la virtual Arad, caci in sfirsit si locul meu natal il pot vedea pe Internet - SINTANA.A-ti reusit sa-mi faceti o surpriza placuta de Craciun. Multumesc! Va doresc si voua si tuturor cititorilor paginii virtual Arad Sarbatori fericite de CRACIUN cu multe cadouri si multa sanatate !!!
Date: 02:43:14, December 23



Name: Vio Cabau
City: Atlanta
Country: USA
Comments: Salutari si sarbatori fericite sportivilor parasutisti din Arad.
Date: 00:06:01, December 23



Name: calin
City: haarlem
Country: olanda
Comments: Mesaj pt.Jim Kucera-Rossmoor CA USA:Ujpanat-Arad county Hungary?...This must be 1918 or before it..get real
Date: 17:06:34, December 21



Name: calin
City: haarlem
Country: olanda
Comments: Va urez tuturor un Craciun Fericit si un AN NOU "foarte nou" extraordinar de bun
Date: 17:01:06, December 21



Name: Jim Kucera
City: Rossmoor
Country: CA, USA
Comments: My wife has a number of relatives that were born and raised in Ujpanat, Arad County, Hungary. How can I gather more history about this area.
Date: 00:09:29, December 15



Name: Cristian G Ursea
City: Los Angeles
Country: USA
Comments: Mi-a facut placere bravo.!!!
Date: 02:04:07, December 14



Name: Cristian G Ursea
City: Los Angeles
Country: Los Angeles
Comments: Mi-a facut placere bravo.!!!
Date: 02:02:05, December 14



Name: Cobra
City: Arad
Country: Romania
Comments: Am citit mesajele imbecile care cer "stop ethnic purification". Am si eu un mesaj pt. prostii care scriu asta:puneti mana pe carte, ca Internetul nu-i pentru voi !
Date: 21:07:11, December 12



Name: Peter Matcau
City: Hollywood
Country: USA
Comments: Una din bisericile din Buteni e identificata gresit : nu e cea catolica , ci e biserica baptista.
Date: 00:05:00, December 09



Name: ungar george
City: netanya
Country: israel
Comments: Am avut o surpriza foarte placuta vazind Aradul virtual am avul o mare placere sa vad locurile unde am plecat din rominia de 38 ani am fost de citeva ori in vizita,dar de acuma inainte o sa va vizitez si virtual.
Date: 15:48:37, November 28



Name: Adrian Peres
City: Gent
Country: Belgium
Comments: Felicitari! A fost o surpriza placuta sa gasesc pe retea orasul in care voi locui de la toamna viitoare. Adrian
Date: 11:23:07, November 26



Name: Radu Dudas
City: Pasadena
Country: USA
Comments: M-am bucurat foarte mult sa-mi vad satul natal, Tarnova, pe Internet. FELICITARI celor care au avut aceasta idee, prcum si realizatorilor. Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze!
Date: 23:09:22, November 24



Name: dan
City: Sacramento, CA
Country: USA
Comments: Excelent site. Am mai revizitat o data Aradul pe cale virtuala. Internetul este, pe departe, cea mai buna modalitate de a ne face cunoscuti pe glob. Bravo! Dan
Date: 16:32:25, November 24



Name: George
City: Milwaukie, OR
Country: USA
Comments: Daca nu ai fost la Taut inca nu ai vazut nimic, ai ocazia acum pe internet, nu o pierde.T A U T(tz) spune dupa mine ca sa nu-l mai uiti niciodata.TAUT
Date: 15:48:46, November 23



Name: Harald (Hari)
City: Darmstadt
Country: Germany
Comments: Foarte frumos. Very nice. Sehr schoen. Nagyan sep. Am locuit pe Calea Romanilor. M-am jucat pe stadionul Gloria. M-am plimbat pe malul Muresului. M-ia placut la strand. Am invatat la liceul german in Aradul Nou. Frumoase timpuri au fost. Da, da ... Trecut-au timpuri, ca nouri lungi pe sesuri Si niciodata n-or sa vie iara ... (Eminescu)
Date: 12:53:10, November 16



Name: calin
City: haarlem
Country: netherlands
Comments: bravo,bravo..era deja cazul.
Date: 13:45:10, November 13



Name: Katsaros Apostolis
City: Thessaloniki
Country: Greece
Comments: Felicitari pentru pagina voastra. E interesanta.
Date: 01:44:52, November 13



Name: Corneliu Buzesan
City: Miami
Country: USA
Comments: Sunteti meseriasi! tineti-o tot asa! Pacat ca de afara se vede totul in negru!!
Date: 10:53:52, November 07



Name: Augustin Dimb
City: CHA
Country: USA
Comments: Il caut pe BIRO ATILA(CUIU)
Date: 03:21:29, November 07



Name: Joseph L. Krizsa
City: Tucson, AZ
Country: USA
Comments: Do you have fotos of the exhibition of Joan Popuvicui in the State Theater??
Date: 12:42:24, November 05



Name: Nelu Butariu
City: Arad
Country: Romania
Comments: Ideea mi se pare excelenta si de aceea felicit pe cei care o realizeaza. Sunt dispus sa fac schimb de informatii cu aradeni din toata lumea.Astept mesaje. Salutari pentru toti!
Date: 08:12:23, November 04



Name: Lavinius Ranca
City: melbourne
Country: australia
Comments: va transmit multe salutari din australia si sper sa va vizitez cind vin in tara daca vreti puteti tine legatura prin e-mail
Date: 06:14:11, November 04



Name: Lidia Benea
City: Arad
Country: Roamania
Comments: Ma bucur ca datorita aceste-i pagini ,cei ce n-au stiut nimic despre noi au ocazia sa ne cunoasca .
Date: 17:28:53, November 03



Name: oscar lione
City: buenos aires
Country: republica argentina
Comments: Les escribo como veran desde la rep. arg. diciendoles que me gusto mucho vuestra pagina y ademas me sirvio mucho para ver y adquirir conocimientos sobre la ciudad de una gran amiga que tengo alli a la que conoci por inetrnet , llamada lidia.b .- ojala algun dia disponga de los medios para visitar su pais y conocer personalmente a mi gran amiga . saludos a todos ustedes desde la argentina
Date: 20:02:27, November 02



Name: Rick Lawson
City: Dallas
Country: USA
Comments: What a wonderful history. Working for Trinity I was just curious about the new partnership and railcar plant we had there and how many good things I have heard about the plant and the people.
Date: 16:04:57, October 27



Name: Rick Lawson
City: Dallas
Country: USA
Comments: What a wonderful history. Working for Trinity I was just curious about the new partnership and railcar plant we had there and how many good things I have heard about the plant and the people.
Date: 16:04:27, October 27



Name: Ioan-Nelu Schiop
City: Winnipeg
Country: Canada
Comments: Apreciez faptul si efortul celor care au creat aceasta posibilitate.
Date: 09:32:44, October 24



Name: Freya
City: Manchester
Country: England
Comments: I will be visiting Arad as part of an exchange in 3 days and I can't wait! If anyone can tell me more about what it's like or what to see or do while I'm there then let me know. Thanks!
Date: 19:42:36, October 23



Name: Vali
Country: Romania
Comments: Salut bei... Marfă este pagina de web. Pei, eu zic că merită să continuati munca incepută si vă doresc mult succes in continuare. Hai noroc...
Date: 00:12:07, October 19



Name: hauptman
Country: usa
Comments: i know there is a map site for 1910 county map can not find it here. would like to connect genealogy data from that date of roman catholic hauptmans who state they were germans. old st anna and pankota were home of kimberly and hauptman parents. help
Date: 22:55:44, October 17



Country: ITALIA
Date: 06:26:27, October 17



Name: Aradean
Country: USA
Comments: Find asa de departe de orasul in care am copilarit...este frumos sa vad locurile natale...sper lucruri bune pe viitor pentru orasul Arad. Keep up the good work!
Date: 01:52:32, October 17



Name: A.Katsaros
Country: Greece
Comments: caut pe inginer , cine vrea sa se ocupa cu foods equipment.
Date: 10:29:22, October 15



Name: A.Katsaros
Country: Greece
Comments: cau pe cineva cu se ocupa cusisteme de asigurare de calitate ( EN ISO 900) pentru colaborare
Date: 13:47:23, October 14



Name: Gyuri
City: Tel Aviv
Country: Israel
Comments: Born in Arad 32 years ago, left in 1975. Your site turned on many childhood memories. Good Work....
Date: 12:07:00, October 13



Name: James Forte for ELECTRIC SYMPHONY
Country: USA
Comments: Thank you for giving us a wonderful opportunity to view your beautiful city. Congratulations on a beautiful and useful site. Best wishes from America.
Date: 20:39:31, October 12



Name: Dave
City: Kolozsvár
Country: Transylvania
Comments: Tudod hogy néz ki egy mitika ? Stii cum arata o mitica ? Alacsony a homloka, büdős a szája és nagyom utálja a magyarokat és a zsidókat, de utálja a Nyugatot, a katolikusokat, utálja a Habsburgokat és az ellenük harcoló tábornokokat, utálja a NATO-t és az EU-t, utálná a csángókat és palocókat ha tudná hogy ilyenek is vannak. Amit viszont nem utál az a mitika, azt szereti enyhén büdösen is egy üveg langyos sörrel, hát ilyenek a mitikák. Do you know how look-like a mitica ? But-headed and smelling. Hates Hungarians and Jews , hates the West and catholics, hates the Habsburgs and \against them fighting generals,hates all statues and all what is culture. One what all mitica's like is some mitica with warm beer. Asa arata o mitica......
Date: 10:44:41, October 09



Name: Akos
City: Munich
Country: Germany
Comments: Okay, 8 of the 13 Generals in the Hungarian army weren't Hungarians. That makes their deed even more heroic! And the Hungarian nation commemorates them as their own. I don't really know why the Romanians keep protesting against them. They died for a cause, which got realized in 1867 with the birth of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. A country, which had 10 national minorities.
Date: 15:44:20, October 07



Name: Charles C.Katrz
City: USA
Country: USA
Comments: We are shocked on Romanians dirty actions in Transylvanian.Please stop the ethnic poorification and the war in Europe. Arad seems to be a bloody place - stop your action in ARAD !
Date: 14:23:51, October 07



Name: Bartolomue A.
City: ARAD
Country: Banat
Comments: La 6 octombrie 1849, la Arad, au fost executati de catre trupele imperiale austriece 13 generali ai armatei maghiare: intre acestia un croat,un sarb, un roman, doi germani si trei austrieci. Aceiasi 13 generali nu au ordonat uciderea a 40.000 de romani - cum afirma nationalistii - Ludwigh Aulich: austriac,nascut in 1793 - soldat profesionist, a devenit colonel honved in 1848, apoi general, iar in 1849 a fost numit ministru al Apararii. - J. Damjanich: sarb,nascut in 1804, a servit in armata austriaca. Dar in 1848 este locotenent -colonel in armata maghiara, apoi ajunge general. - Aristzid Desewffy: nascut in 1802, a comandat un corp de armata in 1848. - Erno Kiss: nascut in 1799, la izbucnirea Revolutiei era comandant de cavalerie al honvezilor. La sfarsitul lui 1848 a fost promovat general. - Karol Knezich:croat, nascut in 1808, soldat profesionist, a participat la luptele impotriva sarbilor. A fost numit general si comandant al armatei a III-a maghiare. - Georg Lahner: german, nascut in 1815, in 1848 este numit comandant de brigada. - Karol Leiningen: austriac, nascut in 1819 intr-o familie de militari. S-a oferit voluntar impotriva insurgentilor rusi. In primavara lui 1849 a fost numit general. - Jozsef Nagysandor: nascut in 1804, militar de cariera. In 1848 s-a inrolat in garzile nationale. In 1849 devine general. - Erno Poeltenberg: nascut in 1813. Revolutia il gaseste la Viena si va fi repede promovat general in armata maghiara. - Jozsef Schweidel: nascut in 1796, cadet al regimentului IV cavalerie la inceputul carierei militare. In octombrie 1848 devine general. - Ignat Tudor: roman, nascut in 1795, isi desavarseste studiile militare la Viena. Din 1838 face parte din garzile nationale.
Date: 14:14:58, October 07



Name: Nehem Shamin Johnson
City: Brunswick
Country: USA
Comments: Dear Friends ! Why is a problem for you the a famous statue of 13 generals who were fighting for the freedom of all nations against the Imperor and Rusians Tzar ? This 13 generals were not only Hungarians - 8 of them were austrian, german, serb, croatian and italian. Shame on those who were protesting against Hungarians and Jews - shame on you !!!
Date: 13:53:50, October 07



Name: Akos
City: München
Country: Németo.
Comments: Ami meg a tötrénelmi részben olvasható, hát egyenesen arcpirító...
Date: 19:44:03, October 06



Name: Akos
City: (now) München
Country: (now) Germany
Homepage: Akos
Comments: Kár, hogy nem lesz román-magyar megbékélés... legalább is emlékmü... Meg, hogy az ünnepségeket még mindig megzavarják... És a hatóságok még mindig nem avatkoznak közbe...
Date: 19:36:44, October 06



Name: Vio Cabau
City: Atlanta
Country: USA
Comments: Excellent Site!
Date: 12:37:51, October 05



Name: Hartenberg, Wilko Pieter
City: 2899 Cuvin
Country: Romania
Comments: An excellent idea: this phantastic Internet Page on Arad. From here my best regards to the town of Arad and all our friends.
Date: 07:26:27, October 05



Name: Simon Shields
City: Birkenhead
Country: England
Comments: Very Informative, will read and download some more
Date: 10:50:40, October 03

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